Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well it's been a while since I have written, But why only express things when you're sad... Shit.. Well Sunday I went to the Equality March In DC (thanks Erin) It was amazing!! THe best thing happened while we marched I was looking up in the sky and there was a rainbow.. I knew god was a drag queen. I saw Cynthia Nixon aka Miranda from sex in the city who looked FABULOUS.. I was deeply touched by so many signs and people.. Like the old gays who want to know "how much longer must we wait I'm 82 hurry." or the bi-racial couple who's sign read "our marriage was once illegal too!" I just don't understand why we live in a country that is supposed to be about freedom, yet it's really not.. I don't know why people care so much if a man & man or Women & women want to marry??? love is love!! I feel there are more important issues we should be concentrating on then stopping gay marriage!!! GET OVER IT!!! I believe in equality for everyone and will keep marching with my gays till they get it!!!


  1. I think it's awesome that you participated in the Equality March in DC. I agree, it's a little ridiculous that gay marriage is still illegal!! I love the biracial couples sign (since I'm in a biracial marriage) it dose put things into perceptive. There was a time when it was illegal for me (being a black women) to eat where I wanted, go to school where I wanted or vote....

  2. Hey Jen Im glad u went. Im sure my moms are happy as well. Margaret Cho said it best gays should have to SUFFER marriage like every one else. I am suprised that you walked i guess no one had a shopping cart to push you around.

    Since this post is public who the fuck do u think u are stealing my cher cover of apple bottom jeans I WILL SLAP YOU BACK TO LAST YEAR {at least your shoes will be in style} and for the record my new cher cover is paparazzi love ya bitch

  3. Oh Hi! I'm that bi-racial couple, well, 1/2 of it. Our sign was pretty popular.
