Thursday, August 13, 2009


So I guess it happens to all of us yet once again he's just not that into me. I did think that this one would be different as we always do! I'm very much a single party girl who doesn't bother with love, but i know we do all want it! For me as most of us the fear gets in the way so the no commit is not only fun but safe you can't get hurt .. example "Hey you it's time to get out of my bed". As i said goodbye to my twenties this year and have calmed down a bit i said don't be afraid you like Celine can love again and I did. We were friends for a long time our connection was great we would laugh and always have soo much fun! Our past did have upS & downs we were young when we first met.. So we finally got together after all these years at first it was amazing as if how could we of waited so long to be together?! THEN slowly reality set in and the fairy tale ended. There in my room on the phone 5 months after it began I GOT DUMPED.. Then the second personality started coming out you know the mean, I'm gonna tell you, asshole. like serious? come on be adult.. But how can I ask that from a child. hahaaha had to throw in some of my bitterness. As I cry my eyes out and think oh not again I really loved this time I gave more to him then i ever gave.. So I called my friends not just Grey Goose, but the hardcore amazing peeps that I have in my life you know the ones that will egg some one or mail a bag of shit to them..Your dirt Friends! They as they always do help me see the light which of course was dancing and KARAOKE.. I know that I'm hurt and a tad bit bitter now but with time I'll be OK.. We always are right???!!


  1. Girl you made your point I can tell just by the tone of the blog YOU are going to be great! your strong jen just as strong as a drag queen just not as pretty lol Dont forget the naked shoe girl and I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK i love you aunty noxy

  2. It happens to the best of us GIRRLLLL!! You're awesome, probably too awesome for him :)
